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Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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We have in the last four chapters talked about IDCMP, but have
never actually explained what it is. But in this chapter we
will at last satisfy your hunger for more information. IDCMP
stands for Intuition's Direct Communications Messages Ports
(nice), and is the most commonly used way of receiving messages
from Intuition, and the only way to communicate to Intuition.
When something happens inside the Amiga, a disk is inserted, a
gadget is selected etc, a message is automatically created.
Intuition will then examine the messages and check if your
program is interested to hear about it. (Every window has a
list of none or more IDCMP flags which tells Intuition what
this window is interested of.) If a program is interested of
the message, that program will receive a special message
(IntuiMessage), which contains interesting information about
the message.
--------------------------- Messages created inside the Amiga.
| DISKINSERTED MENUPICK | For example, a disk is inserted,
| CLOSEWINDOW | a menu is activated, a window is
| NEWSIZE GADGETDOWN | closed etc...
| | | | |
------------- Intuition examines every message
| INTUITION | and checks if any program is
------------- interested of it.
/ \
DISKINSERTED GADGETDOWN If program A is interested of
| | DISKINSERTED messages, Intuition
V V will pass that one along to
------------- ------------- program A. If program B is
| PROGRAM A | | PROGRAM B | interested in GADGETDOWN messages
------------- ------------- program B will receive a message
every time a gadget is selected
in program B's window.
All other messages which no
program were interested in will
be thrown away.
Intuition will always start to examine the active window
first, and many IDCMP messages will probably be "swallowed".
If program B is active, and Intuition has found a GADGETDOWN
message, that message would be passed to program B, and all
other programs would never hear about it.
Some messages are important for all programs, such as
DISKINSERTED, and will be passed to ALL "interested" windows.
(If a window has its IDCMPFlags field set to DISKINSERTED, that
window is interested about disk inserted messages.)
If you want to receive messages from Intuition you need to:
1. Open an IDCMP port.
2. Wait for messages.
3. Collect the messages.
4. Examine them.
5. Reply. (Tell Intuition that you have read the message)
The IDCMP port can be automatically allocated by Intuition when
you open a window. You only need to specify in the NewWindow
structure's IDCMPFlags field which messages you want to receive
from Intuition, and the rest is done for you. For example, if
you open a window with the IDCMPFlags field set to GADGETDOWN,
a port would be allocated for you, and your program would
receive a message every time a gadget has been selected.
If you already have opened a window you can later change the
IDCMP ports by calling the function ModifyIDCMP().
Once an IDCMP port has been opened your program only need to
wait until one or more messages arrives. There are two
different ways of waiting for messages:
1. The Passive Way. Your program is halted and will only wake
up when a message arrives. This will
increase the speed of other applications
since the CPU does not need to bother about
your program as long as it is sleeping. Use
the function Wait().
2. The Active Way. Your program tries to collect a message,
and if it could not find any message it
tries again. This is necessary if you want
your program to continue doing something,
and not stop waiting for a message to
When you collect a message you should use the function
GetMsg(). It will return a pointer to an IntuiMessage
structure, which contains all important information about the
message, or NULL if it could not collect any message.
Once you have collected a message successfully you can examine
the IntuiMessage structure. The IntuiMessag structure look like
struct IntuiMessage
struct Message ExecMessage;
ULONG Class;
USHORT Qualifier;
APTR IAddress;
SHORT MouseX, MouseY;
ULONG Seconds, Micros;
struct Window *IDCMPWindow;
struct IntuiMessage *SpecialLink;
ExecMessage: Used by the Exec so do not touch it.
Class: Contains the IDCMP flag.
Code: Contains some special values which is closely
related to the IDCMP flag (Class). For example,
if you receive a MENUVERIFY message you can
examine the Code field to see if it is your
program's Menu (Code == MENUHOT) or some
other program's Menu (Code == MENUWAITING) that
will be displayed. If you on the other hand
receives RAWKEY or VANILLAKEY messages the Code
field will contain the key code and so on.
Qualifier: If your program receives RAWKEY messages
(untranslated keycodes), this field contains
information like if the SHIFT or CTRL key was
pressed or not. (A copy of the ie_Qualifier.)
MouseX: X position of the pointer relative to the top
left corner of your window.
MouseY: Y position of the pointer relative to the top
left corner of your window.
Seconds: Copy of the system clock's seconds.
Micros: Copy of the system clock's microseconds.
IAddress: Pointer to that object that created the message.
For example, if you receive a GADGETDOWN message,
this field contains a pointer to the Gadget that
was selected.
IDCMPWindow: Pointer back to the window that sent this message.
SpecialLink: Used by Exec and Intuition so do not touch it.
The best way to examine this structure is to copy all important
values and then reply as fast as possible. (Intuition will be
slowed down if you do not reply fast.) You can then (after you
have replied) check the copied values. (Remember! Do not use
the IntuiMessage structure any more once you have replied.)
8.3.5 REPLY
Once your program has read everything it is interested of it
should reply back to Intuition by calling the function
ReplyMsg(). This tells Intuition that you have finished with
reading the message.
Important! Once you have replied you may NOT examine/change the
IntuiMessage structure any more. Some other program or Intuition
may use it!
Here is an example of how your program should collect and
process IDCMP messages: (This is the Passive Way of collecting
/* 1. Wait until a message arrive: */
Wait( 1 << my_window->UserPort->mp_SigBit );
/* (my_window is a pointer to a window.) */
/* (Do not bother to much about the funny formula.) */
/* 2. Try to collect a message: */
my_message = GetMsg( my_window->UserPort );
/* Could we collect a message? (If message == NULL we have */
/* not collected any message. */
if( my_message )
/* YES! We have collected a message successfully. */
/* 3. We should now examine the IntuiMessage structure, */
/* and save any important values. (If we save the */
/* information we can reply as soon as possible, and */
/* later examine the values.) */
class = my_message->Class;
code = my_message->Code;
address = my_message->IAddress;
/* 4. We should now reply since we have finished reading */
/* the IntuiMessage structure. (Your program should */
/* always reply as fast as possible.) */
ReplyMsg( my_message );
/* 5. We can now examine what the message actually was */
/* about: (We have replied so we may NOT examine */
/* the IntuiMessage structure any more, but we may */
/* of course check the variables: class, code and */
/* address.) */
switch( class )
case GADGETDOWN: /* A gadget has been pressed. */
case GADGETUP: /* A gadget has been released. */
case MENUPICK: /* A menu item has been selected... */
/* And so on... */
This example is very fine, but what happens if two messages
arrives at the same time? Well, the first message would be
dealt with as normal, but the second message would never be
processed. After we have waited for a message we should
actually be prepared to process many messages. We should
therefore use a while-loop, and stay in the loop as long as we
can collect messages successfully. Once we could not collect
any more we should put our task to sleep again.
Here is a modified, and better, version of the example:
/* 1. Wait until a message arrive: */
Wait( 1 << my_window->UserPort->mp_SigBit );
/* As long as we can collect messages successfully we stay */
/* in the while-loop: */
while( my_message = GetMsg( my_window->UserPort ) )
/* The rest is as normal... */
/* 3. We should now examine the IntuiMessage structure, */
/* and save any important values. (If we save the */
/* information we can reply as soon as possible, and */
/* later examine the values.) */
class = my_message->Class;
code = my_message->Code;
address = my_message->IAddress;
/* 4. We should now reply since we have finished reading */
/* the IntuiMessage structure. (Your program should */
/* always reply as fast as possible.) */
ReplyMsg( my_message );
/* 5. We can now examine what the message actually was */
/* about: (We have replied so we may NOT examine */
/* the IntuiMessage structure any more, but we may */
/* of course check the variables: class, code and */
/* address.) */
switch( class )
case GADGETDOWN: /* A gadget has been pressed. */
case GADGETUP: /* A gadget has been released. */
case MENUPICK: /* A menu item has been selected... */
/* And so on... */
We have used several IDCMP flags in the last chapter, such as
GADGETDOWN, MENUPICK, REQVERIFY etc, but here is the total list
of all IDCMP flags:
Here are the three IDCMP flags which are closely related to
GADGETDOWN: Your program will this message if a gadget has
been selected. (Note, the gadget must have the
GADGIMMEDIATE flag set in its Activation field.
If not there will be no GADGETDOWN message
GADGETUP: Your program will this message if a gadget has
been released. (Note, the gadget must have the
RELVERIFY flag set in its Activation field. If
not there will be no GADGETUP message created.)
CLOSEWINDOW: Your program will receive this message if the
user selects the Close Window gadget (System
Gadget). Remember, the window will not be
automatically closed. It is up to your program
if it want to close it or not.
Here are the three IDCMP flags which are closely related to
REQSET: Your program will receive this message if a
requester has been opened in your window. This
is very handy way to detect if a Double-menu
requester has been activated in your window.
(You will receive a message both when a DM-
requester as well as a normal requester has
been activated.)
REQCLEAR: This message tells you that a requester has
been cleared from your window. Note, you will
receive this message only when all requesters
in your window has been cleared.
REQVERIFY: Your program will receive this message if a
requester is going to be activated. However,
the requester will first be displayed once you
have replied, and this will therefore allow you
to finish of with something before the requester
will be activated. Note, your program will only
receive this message when the first requester
is opening in the window. Intuition will then
assume that you have stopped any output to that
Here are the two IDCMP flags which are closely related to
MENUPICK: Your program will receive this message if the
user has pressed the right mouse button. (Note,
It does not necessarily mean that an item has
been selected.) The Code field of the message
will contain the menu number. If no item was
selected Code will be equal to MENUNULL. Use
the Macros described in chapter 7 MENUS, to
check which menu/item/subitem was selected.
MENUVERIFY: Your program will receive this message if a
menu is going to be activated. The menu will,
however, first be displayed once you have
replied, and this will therefore allow you to
finish of with something before the menu will
be opened.
Check if the Code field of the message is equal
to MENUHOT which means it is your menu that
will be displayed, or if Code is equal to
MENUWAITING, which means that some other
window's menustrip will be displayed. You can
even cancel the whole menu-operation if you want
by changing the Code field to MENUCANCEL before
you reply.
Here are the three IDCMP flags which are closely related to the
MOUSEBUTTONS: Your program will receive this message if any
of the mouse buttons have been pressed or
released. Examine the Code field of the message
to see if it is equal to:
SELECTDOWN: The left mouse button has been
SELECTUP: The left mouse button has been
MENUDOWN: The right mouse button has been
MENUUP: The right mouse button has been
Important! If the user presses the left mouse
button while the pointer is somewhere on a
gadget's select box, your program will NOT
receive any message. Remember also that if the
user presses the right mouse button a menu
strip will be displayed, and your program will
not receive any MENUDOWN message. You need to
set the RMBTRAP flag in the NewWindow
structure's Flags field in order to receive any
right mouse buttons event. (No menu can then be
used for that window.)
MOUSEMOVE: Your program will receive this message if the
mouse has been moved. Note, your window needs
to have the REPORTMOUSE flag set in the
NewWindow structure's Flags field, or a gadget
in the window needs to have the FOLLOWMOUSE
flag set in the Gadget structure's Activation
(Be prepared to receive many messages!)
DELTAMOVE: Same as MOUSEMOVE except that the movements
will be reported as delta movements instead of
absolute positions. Note, your program will
continue to receive delta movements even if the
pointer has reached the border of the display.
(Be prepared to receive many messages!)
Here are the five IDCMP flags which are closely related to
NEWSIZE: Your program will receive this message if the
user has resized the window. Check the windows'
Window structure's Width and Height fields to
discover the new size.
SIZEVERIFY: Your program will receive this message if the
user tries to resize the window. However,
Intuition will change the size first when your
program has replied, and this allows you to
finish of with something before the window will
change size.
REFRESHWINDOW: Your program will receive this message if the
window needs to be redrawn. This applies only
Remember, if you receive a REFRESHWINDOW event,
you need to call the functions BeginRefresh()
and EndReresh() even if you do not redraw
ACTIVEWINDOW: Your program will receive this message if your
window is activated.
INACTIVEWINDOW: Your program will receive this message if your
window is deactivated.
Other IDCMP flags:
RAWKEY: Your program will receive this message every
time the user presses a key. The Code field of
the message will contain the raw keykodes (see
Appendix C), and the Qualifier field of the
message contains the qualifier (SHIFT, CTRL
VANILLAKEY: Your program will receive this message every
time the user presses a key. The Code field of
the message will contain the ASCII character
(see Appendix D).
DISKINSERTED: Your program will receive this message if a
disk is inserted. All interested programs will
hear about it.
DISKREMOVED: Your program will receive this message if a
disk is removed. All interested programs will
hear about it.
NEWPREFS: If the the system Preferences is changed (by the
user or another program), your program will
receive a NEWPREFS message. Call the function
GetPrefs() to get the new system Preferences.
(See chapter 9 MISCELLANEOUS for more
information about Preferences etc.)
INTUITICKS: Your program will receive this message ten
times a second (approximately). However, if you
have not replied on the first INTUITICKS
message, the next message will not be sent.
WBENCHMESSAGE: If the workbench is opened or closed by a
program (calling the functions OpenWorkBench()/
CloseWorkBench() your program will receive a
WORKBENCHMESSAGE. The Code field of the message
will be equal to WBENCHOPEN if the WorkBench
was opened, or WBENCHCLOSE if the workbench was
This function tries to get a message from a message port.
Synopsis: my_message = GetMsg( my_message_port );
my_message: (struct Message *) Pointer to a Message
structure, in this case a pointer to an
IntuiMessage structure, or NULL if no
message was collected.
my_message_port: (struct MsgPort *) Pointer to an MsgPort. If
you have opened a window, you can find your
window's message port in the Window
structure. ( my_window->UserPort )
This function tells Intuition that you have finished reading
the message. Remember, once you have replied you may not
examine or change the IntuiMessage structure any more.
Synopsis: ReplyMsg( my_message );
my_message: (struct Message *) Pointer to a Message
structure, in this case a pointer to an
IntuiMessage structure.
This function changes the Window structure's IDCMPFlags
Synopsis: ModifyIDCMP( my_window, IDCMPFlags );
my_window: (struct Window *) Pointer to an already opened
IDCMPFlags: (long) None or more IDCMP flags.
If you call this function with no IDCMP flags set, the
window's IDCMP Ports will be closed. On the other hand, if
you call this function, with one or more IDCMP flags set, a
Port will be, if necessary, opened for you.
See the examples in chapter 4 (GADGETS) to 7 (MENUS). They will
explain how to use the IDCMP flags: GADGETDOWN, GADGETUP,
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag MOUSEBUTTONS.
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag MOUSEMOVE.
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flags: NEWSIZE,
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag SIZEVERIFY.
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag RAWKEY.
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag VANILLAKEY.
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flags:
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag INTUITICKS.
This program explains how to use the IDCMP flag
REFRESHWINDOW, and how to optimize the redrawing of the